The Solution Ltd is a SaaS for Recruiters (Recruitment Agencies/Hiring Companies) to assist them in saving time on their Recruitment process (2-3 hours per day).
YourCVVideo is redefining recruitment with our All-In-One cutting-edge pre-screening application and Video solution.
Say goodbye to traditional written CV’s – our platform introduces video applications along with CVVideos offering a dynamic way for Candidates to showcase their skills and personality.
Our USP is the Video functionality for Recruiters and Candidates, to make it more of a personal experience using Human Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence.

Market Growth

The demand for CV Video /Resume Video screening tools is expected to grow by 30% in the next 3 years.
Efficient CV /Resume screening software usage is projected to increase by 25% by 2025.
Time-saving recruitment tools are predicted to save companies up to 40% in hiring costs by 2026.
Source: Fast Company – (Fast Company is a monthly American business magazine published in print and online that focuses on technology, business, and design. It publishes six print issues per year.)
Be Part Of Something Big
YourCVVideo is a business that has identified the real pain points that are experienced by Recruiters and Candidates in the Recruitment process. With the experience gained over the last 26 years we have recognized market opportunities for rapid growth and expansion.
Most recruitment software these days are proceeding down the AI route, however Recruitment is an interaction between humans, therefore it cannot and will not be fully replaced by AI completely.
Artificial intelligence may be used to efficiently sort and select Candidates based on their written CV using factors such as keywords, skills and experience required, however even the most sophisticated software in the world would not be able to learn Human Intuition, that gut feeling that a professional Recruiter has for the right Candidate.